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Molly’s film career began unexpectedly in the mid 90’s while teaching life-skills to incarcerated youth in a Nashville juvenile prison. Molly discovered youth behind bars craved an identity that extended beyond the crimes they had committed. Partnering with Oasis Center Inc, George Soros Open Society Inst. & Nashville Independent Film festival, Secours founded a program called Youth Voice Through Video wherein at-risk youth were encouraged to write narratives of lives defying limitation. Molly’s efforts with youth led to advocacy pieces on healthcare, the death penalty, education, PSA’s, music videos and eventually feature documentaries. 


With a clear voice and a loaded camera, she inspires storytelling in everyone she meets.


Molly's current project:


Scouting For Diamonds: The Invisible Heroes Of Baseball is a feature documentary film with actor, co-produced by Bill Murray Brian Doyle Murray and Hall Of Famer, Wade Boggs.  The film is the untold love story between scouts and baseball.



Scouting For Diamonds trailer:

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